Why Evite sucks

Note: This is categorized under "Technological advances" but it is more like a lack thereof.

I just spent the past 90 minutes trying to RSVP to an event on Evite. One single event. One single RSVP. Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed right now. Why does Evite suck so bad? I'll tell you why. Their site is utterly counterintuitive for people who have to use screen reading software to navigate. Before the "new" Evite rolled out, I didn't have too many problems RSVP-ing, but creating an Evite was loathsome--it would take me maybe an hour or so to figure out which field the cursor was in. Now with this new Evite, even RSVP-ing sucks! I'm sure for sighted people, the format or layout is cleaner, but hello?! What if you are using JAWS or a screen reader to find your way around the web? Now the event itself is hard to find, and once you click on the event in the list, the details are difficult to locate. And then every time I click on a radio button to RSVP "yes," "no," or "maybe," my screen reader isn't letting me tab to the comments box and then the "reply" button. This means there is something not working with Evite and my screen reader, and I'm going to blame Evite since JAWS seems to give me no problems elsewhere. I had to retype my RSVP a dozen times before it finally saved correctly.

And why are there so many links on the Evite? In JAWS, the tab button is used to scroll from link to link, and with everything being labeled as a link, it takes me too long to find the field or button or link I'm looking for.

Still convinced that Evite doesn't suck? There is an entire site dedicated to Evite's suckiness. If you google "evite sucks," you get a ton of search results. Evite, you suck. You'd better redeem yourself in your next version. Get a group of blind people to do some QA testing on your site. I hope somehow this post finds the Evite CEO's eyes!


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