First ever Haute Wheels food truck festival in Houston

WHEN: Saturday, May 14 from noon to 7 PM and Sunday, May 15 from noon to 5 PM
WHERE: HCC southwest campus (5601 West Loop South)

With Houston often racing neck-to-neck with Philadelphia to be America's fattest city, and with a plethora of diverse (and actually really delicious) cuisine, it is only fitting that Houston host a food truck festival. Food trucks have been all the rage of recent years, beginning with perhaps the stinkin' Kogi truck of southern Cali (which I stood four hours in line for--don't even ask) and culminating with Food Network's "The Great Food Truck Race". What is our obsession with food trucks? I can only speak for my own personal penchant for them, and it stems from a love for travel and, if you look even deeper, a love for adventure.

I was bitten by the traveling bug as soon as I had a little money to do it. It began with my first trip to NYC my senior year of college during spring break. It was the first non-family trip I took that involved getting on a plane (and not just loading up in a car and driving down to South Padre). It was then that I realized there were so many other things in this world that I had no clue about, and I suddenly wanted to be cultured. If NYC blew me away, what would Brazil, Ireland, Turkey, Japan do to me?

Of course, I'd always loved food as well. And when I got older, accumulated more dollar bills in my pockets, I started venturing to more places, finally able to afford the finer things in dining life. And when I began to lose my vision, my appreciation for the sense of taste grew exponentially. Traveling has obviously become more of a burden now that I cannot see, and I often couldn't care less about sightseeing, but trying indigenous foods of other cultures? I'm on that like white on rice.

And how else does one experience true foods of a country than by eating at street vendors? That's where you spend the least money for the most authentic (and often, tastiest) delicacies. And thus is born my/our love for food trucks. It gives us a sense of adventure, like we are in the middle of Copenhagen instead of just plain old Houston. (Or, rather, Mumbai since that's probably closer in climate.)

So the point of this whole long-winded post was to inform you that Houston will host the first food truck festival on a HCC campus in mid-May. Tickets ($16 for adults and includes $5 of concession vouchers) are limited, so get yours now. You can bet I'll be blogging about it after the fact. Bon appetit!


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