Meet the Blind Geek

Who is the Blind Geek? Me, that's who.In order to streamline topics, I've started up a new blog dedicated to tech news and reviews for the blind: the Blind Geek. That way, the Blind Cook can concentrate on all things food related. The Blind Geek is already up and running--all content from this blog under the "Technological advances" category has been copied over there--and from now on, all tech related entries will post only on The Blind Geek. Please be patient: the blog is still undergoing a makeover though it's functioning for the most part. Also, my techie husband, John, will also be a contributing writer to the Blind Geek. I hope you decide to subscribe to both blogs. Any feedback is welcome.

  • Visit the new Blind Geek blog.
  • Follow the Blind Geek on Twitter: @the_blind_geek

What to eat in San Francisco: Farmers market at Ferry Building, sushi at Kabuto, crab and garlic noodles at Thanh Long, and artisanal ice cream at Mr. and Mrs. Miscellaneous


Recipe: Oven-fried chicken