Web blackout in Serbia raises blind awareness

I came across this article about a blind awareness campaign in Serbia that involved blacking out many popular websites to give the sighted websurfer a taste of what it's like to be blind. Interesting concept, I thought. The organization behind the campaign is White Cane, and they help provide guide dogs for the blind.I recently returned from a cruise on the Adriatic, and I met two Serbians who were part of the crew, and their jovial personalities completely disarmed me. Those Serbians are cool people. I know it's a random stretch, but I hadn't thought of or met any Serbians for the past 5 years, and suddenly, they're popping here and there into my life. Maybe that's next on my destination list.Read more about the blackout campaign on the Serbian web. Thoughts?


Pop-up episode 1 at MKT BAR Houston September 14th, 3 to 6 PM


Meet Jon M, blind photographer