Guthy Jackson NMO Patient Day 2013 on November 6

In the midst of my NMO journey, I found the Guthy Jackson Foundation and attended my first NMO Patient Day in 2010. That was where I met Erin and Jenna, my two NMO partners in crime, and we started NMO Diaries shortly thereafter, an empowering resource for those living with NMO.Three years later, and I am still coming to the NMO Patient Day, not only as an attendee this time, but also as a speaker.Because I was unable to attend last year (the only once since 2010 that I couldn’t make) due to my post-MasterChef obligations, I instead contributed my voice to this neat little video produced by Wondros. The video was played at last year’s NMO Patient Day. And this year, I will be speaking at the event. In the past, the event was streamed online for those who could not attend in person. Visit the links below to learn if this year's event will be accessible via the web. Hope to "see" you there.


Recipe: Sous vide New York strip steak


How to handle stress