Recipe: Sweet Creole corn

I love corn and have to have it every Thanksgiving. It adds a nice crispy texture next to the creamy potatoes and casseroles. Back when I was an amateur cook, I used to serve them straight out of a can with some butter, salt, and pepper. Now I’ve graduated to cutting them off the cob and increasing the number of ingredients used.I made up this particular recipe on the fly this year when trying to come up with a corn side dish. Fresh corn off the cob tastes so much nicer than canned corn. The Creole spice adds a little kick. It’s so easy to make, if the Blind can Cook it, you can too.

Recipe: Sweet Creole Corn

Summary: This can be made the day before: just cover in a casserole dish and refrigerate overnight. The next day, uncover and heat in an oven (I did mine next to the whipped potatoes), stirring occasionally, until heated through.


  1. 8 ears corn, kernels cut off cob
  2. 4 tbsp unsalted butter
  3. 1 tsp Creole seasoning (pre-packaged or a similar recipe can be found in my cookbook
  4. 3 tbsp freshly grated parmigiano or grana padano or 4 ozs cream cheese
  5. juice of 1/2 lime (optional)


  1. In a medium saucepan, bring lightly salted water to a boil. Add corn kernels and cook until al dente, approx 5 min. Strain and return corn to saucepan.
  2. Add butter, cream cheese (if using), and Creole seasoning to the corn. Heat over medium-low heat until butter and cream cheese have melted, stirring occasionally.
  3. If using freshly grated cheese and/or lime, add these after removing corn from the heat. Stir to combine all ingredients, and serve warm.

Preparation time: 10 minute(s)

Cooking time: 10 minute(s)

Number of servings (yield): 8


Recipe: Dress up your stuffing mix for Thanksgiving


Recipe: Whipped potatoes