My inspirational talk from the GJCF 2013 NMO Patient Day

Back in November, I’d gone to the 2013 NMO Patient Day hosted by the Guthy Jackson Charitable Foundation in L.A. It was the fifth year for the gathering/reunion, and personally my third time attending. However, it was my first time attending post-“MasterChef.” This time, I was asked to close the day’s panels and workshops with a talk. By now, I’ve done a good number of these, but I still get a little nervous all the same. It helped to remember that everyone there is happy to see and hear from me, especially because they, too, either have NMO or loves someone with NMO. Keeping in mind that I had the room’s full support helped me face the crowd with a smile and less shaky knees. It also helped to hear Victoria Jackson call me her hero. *sniff*For those who missed Patient Day, video footage of the day’s goings-on was created and posted on the GJCF website for viewing. Below are links you may find useful. Pass it on.


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