Sh*t people say to blind people

The first “Sh*t People Say…” videos I saw were the ”Sh*t Asian Mom’s Say” and its counterpart, ”Sh*t Asian Dads Say.”Then came a whole slew of SPS… videos. Some were funny, some were not. Some were pretty accurate; like in the above video, ”Sh* People Say to Blind People.”, I’ve gotten many of the very same questions and comments. I’m not bothered by most of the things said to me because I know people generally don’t mean harm nor disrespect, and more often than not, they’re candidly curious. Sometimes, things are said to me out of ignorance, and I usually don’t mind those either. But there have been occasions where I felt patronized by stuff people have said to me.One situation that immediately comes to mind was when I was going through security checkpoint at an airport. TSA employees are often well-trained in handling people with vision and other disabilities. But tell me if you don’t think this conversation I had with a TSA employee was heinous:TSA employee: You’re flying by yourself?”Me: Yes.TSA employee: You’re not afraid to fly by yourself when you’re blind?Me: No. I fly all the time by myself.TSA employee: I can’t believe you’re blind. You look so normal.Me: I AM normal!What I really wanted to do was shake the man and yell, “Don’t you know I survived MasterChef, biatch?!” Flying by myself is a piece of cake!As a vision impaired person, have you encountered any ridiculous questions or comments? How did you react? As a sighted person encountering someone blind, what have you asked or said? No big deal—like I’d said, I am not an overly sensitive person (despite all the crying I did on “MasterChef” season 3), but I, like everyone else, do like being treated with mutual respect.


I was a guest chef at Ikea Supper Club in Stockholm


Fashion help for the Blind