Travel to Edinburgh: Trying haggis for the first time

The first time I was in Edinburgh, I was twenty-two and did not dare to try haggis. Since then, I’ve matured and developed a hunger for new experiences, especially those in the gastronomical realm. This meant I was on a mission in Edinburgh. This time, I was going to eat some haggis.For those that don’t know, traditional Scottish haggis is made of sheep offal stuffed inside its stomach lining with oats and spices. It reminds me of Louisianan boudin.The next day, we were going to embark on a road trip across Scotland to the Speyside, where we’d be visiting a few Scotch whisky distilleries. To prepare, we raid a convenience store for—what else?—Scottish snacks!Ever try haggis before? Love it or hate it? Or are you, like my twenty-two-year-old self, too scared of it?John & Christine at Edinburgh Castle


How to throw a simple last-minute Lunar New Year party


Recipe: Quick & easy Korean mixed rice | Bibimbap