Travel to Dufftown & Glasgow: The world’s worst pho

Let this be a lesson in palate preservation: after six different whiskeys, you won’t be able to tell much of a difference beyond those six because your tongue will be tired. You also won’t enjoy the tasting as much because all your mind will be able to focus on is how to get a cheeseburger in your mouth and a cuddly sheep in your arms. Yes, even with whiskey, there can be too much of a good thing.Regardless, my palate wasn’t dead enough to know the so-called pho at the Glasgow airport wasn’t, in fact, pho. There were seafood and bell peppers in the soup, for cryin’ out loud!One thing I learned from this experience, is you really need to manage customers’ expectations. Had the soup at the airport been labeled “Asian seafood noodle coup,” I would’ve been okay with its contents. But if you’re going to call it pho, I’m going to expect chicken or beef with a broth hinting at star anise and ginger. And no bell peppers!Have you ever ordered something and, upon receiving it, learned it was totally not what you expected? Tell me your story in the comments section.


Thoughts on Amy, documentary of Amy Winehouse


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