Travel to Killarney & the Ring of Kerry: Trying my first Irish coffee

How fitting that I continue with my Ireland vlog on St. Patrick's Day!Day 2 of our Ireland rail tour. We start out from Killarney and have Irish coffee for breakfast. It’s my first time having Irish coffee, and it packed a punch to the face. Irish coffee, for those who don’t know, is coffee spiked with whiskey (Jameson, to be true to the Irish). The hubs really liked it, but I found it a bit much for 7 in the morning. I thought the coffee with Bailey’s Irish cream more palatable, as whiskey, for me at least, should be relegated to after lunchtime.Christine & John drinking coffeeI’m not a coffee drinker, but lately, I’ve been into flat whites, which are espresso with hot steamed milk—think cappuccino but without the frothiness. The hubs is a coffee drinker and usually gets an Americano (espresso with water). How do you like your coffee? Why not make it Irish and spike it today in celebration of St. Patty?Processed with VSCOcam with kk1 preset


Travel to the Ring of Kerry: A fashion show where sheep are supermodels


Travel to Cork & Cobh: The Titanic’s last port of call