Apple announces launch of redesigned accessibility website, features empowering videos

This video shows Sady, a woman with cerebral palsy, using Apple technology to edit videos. What’s mind-blowing is the video was actually edited by Sady herself using the very same assistive technology.Yesterday, Apple announced the launch of their redesigned Apple accessibility website, which now includes videos showing how people of all ability levels use Apple technology to achieve vocational goals and do everyday tasks. These videos not only empower people living with disabilities, they also challenge everyone to rethink what a person can and cannot do regardless of abilities.As you know, I’ve been a longtime Apple fan, and following my TEDx talk about the importance of inclusivity, I’m ecstatic that Apple continues to make universal design a priority.Thank you, Apple, for keeping the bar high and being a pioneer for adaptive technology!Signed,An Apple FangirlP.S. In keeping with their mission, here’s an audio-described version of the above video.[embed][/embed]


Recipe: Persimmon ice cream


Testing my tolerance of fermented shrimp sauce at Bun Mam Van in Danang