Christine tries snacks from Asia

Let’s take a break from our regularly scheduled program.On my YouTube channel, I started a new series called “Christine Tries,” an all-encompassing title for videos in which I’ll be trying anything from different foods to (gasp!) driving a car. (Just wait for it—it’ll be done.)For my first "Christine Tries" episode, as a nod to my many trips to Vietnam and Asia, I try snacks from the continent. To make it more interesting, I do a true blind taste test—others selected these snacks, so I have no idea what they are. I try each snack, guess what they are, and give my two-cents.Have you had any of these snacks I try in the video? Yea or nay?


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The best tamarind crab/cua rang me at Kim Phat Cua Ba Chi in Saigon