The 2017 Guthy Jackson NMO Patient Day is tomorrow, March 15

[embed][/embed]Every year when the annual NMO Patient Day sponsored by the Guthy Jackson Foundation rolls around, I get nostalgic since that’s where NMO Diaries was born.Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to attend for quite a few years since I’m always tied up with other events during the Patient Days. I know there are many patients and caregivers who are also unable to attend, and the nice thing is the GJCF will often stream or upload key videos from the day’s events online for worldwide viewing. You can check out this year’s events by visiting the 2017 NMO Patient Day webpage. I heard they’ll be active on social media this year, too, so be sure to check out the GJCF Facebook and Twitter for updates.If anyone is attending in person or remotely this year, we welcome your comments.


For Japanese in Midtown New York, try Totto Ramen or Yakitori Totto…or both


In honor of International Women’s Day 2017, here are 5 women I admire