Christine Ha tries Kind Snacks

It’s that time of year when everyone’s busy busy busy! I find myself constantly on my feet in the kitchen, running eraands with the hubs, planning menus, designing recipes, putting together the tablescape, and getting stuff tidied and done around the house to prepare for holiday gatherings. This is not even counting all the parties and get-togethers inundating our calendars. All of this frenetic running around means one thing: lots of calories are burning, but most of the stuff around me isn’t providing efficient physiological fuel.Sure, there’s a bag of leftover Halloween candy in our fridge (I like my chocolate cold), and there will be stuffing, whipped potatoes, casseroles, and ice cream left over after Thanksgiving next week, but let’s face it—none of these are that great for you.A caveat here before I continue: This year, I’ve made the conscious decision to omit the term “guilty pleasure” from my vocabulary and stop feeling bad about what I choose to put in my mouth. Food should be pleasurable, and sometimes, if it’s buttery, starchy high-calorc comfort food you crave, by all means, scratch that gastronomic itch. Sometimes, the emotional boost you get from eating what you love outweighs the physical shortcoming of it.Anyway, because I’m busy and often don’t have too much time to grab a proper bite, Kind Bars are a good alternative since I still need that energy to keep me going. I like that they’re good for you and, better yet, pretty darn tasty.Kind Snacks sent me a box of ten snacks to try, and per my usual, I do a blind taste test on the Kind snacks. You can get your own free box of ten Kind snacks, too, by signing up on the Kind Snacks page (shipping not included). Once you sign up for a free sample box, you’ll be enrolled in a monthly subscription service where 24 Kind snacks will be delivered to your door each month. This is the ultimate deal for the busy person on the go.Don’t let hunger hamper your holidays. Get your own free Kind Bars box today, or get one for a friend (and pretend you paid for it).


Get my specially curated holiday snack box from Love With Food for a limited time only


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