Travel to Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic: Getting to know the amazing Francina Hungria and DR cuisine
I thought I’d start up my food and travel series again in which I blog about where I’ve been, foods I ate, followed by a recipe inspired by the place itself.In this round, I’ll be sharing my experience of the Caribbean nation of the Dominican Republic.Last year, I traveled to the Dominican Republic’s capital of Santo Domingo to be part of Taste Santo Domingo, an international culinary expo held by the Dominican Republic's Ministry of Exterior Relations showcasing cuisines from all over the world and, of course, highlighting the beloved local foods of the DR. A woman named Francina Hungria invited me, and to be honest, I had no idea who she was or what her non-profit organization, Fundacion Francina, was all about. Nevertheless, I accepted because she mentioned something about blind advocacy and raising money to purchase white canes for the visually impaired in the DR. It was for a cause I believe in, so why not?When the hubs and I exited Las Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo, we had no idea what or whom to expect. Then the hubs spotted a woman with a white cane waiting at passenger pick-up. She was accompanied by a few fellows who turned out to be her cousins and brother (security detail, I guess). As we made our way over to her, the hubs noticed people approaching the woman and asking to take photos with her.“She must be famous,” he said.I love showing up in a country I’ve never been to before and suddenly being thrust into its culture, getting to know its people and their stories. Over the next five days, I got to know Francina, her family, and her namesake foundation. Francina was a national hero, having lost her sight from a gunshot to the head during a carjacking. After numerous surgeries and a long road to recovery, Francina left her career as an engineer and embarked on a new one as an advocate and budding politician. Check out Francina Hungria’s Instagram and the Fundacion Francina website to learn more about Francina and her mission. Here's also a recent news feature on Francina.
During my trip to Santo Domingo, I took part in several Taste Santo Domingo events on behalf of Fundacion Francina, including a talk, press interviews, and a fundraising dinner. Even though the trip was for work, the hubs and I still had a lot of fun. Francina and her family were gracious hosts, giving us a care package of beloved DR foods and rum, taking us out to eat, showing us local heritage sites, and even planning a leisure beach trip for our last day.
Every trip I take for work, I am so blessed to get to know the country through the locals' perspective and make new friends. I loved the DR, its people, and cannot wait to return!Next time, some recaps on the places I visited and foods I ate.Which is your favorite Caribbean island?