Recipe: Quick & easy chicken noodle soup

can’t recall the last time I had a cough this persistent. It’s been over a month, and I can’t shake the damn thing. I’ve gone through OTC cough syrup and two prescription sizzurps—first with codeine, and then with hydrocodone. I coughed so much, I injured my diaphragm. My poor hubs—he dodged my germs for four weeks. But then his body succumbed, and he got sick, too.Fortunately, neither of us had the flu. My cold just lasts a long time because I have a very low immune system due to the Rituximab treatment I get for my NMO. But being sick is a reminder that sometimes, we need to take a break from our busy lives and just relax. I use it as an excuse to sleep in and watch Netflix. Sickness has taught me there’s a time to push ourselves, and a time to let go. Remember that the world doesn’t come to a halt just because you check out for a little bit.I’ve written before about ways to fight the flu. Chicken noodle soup is a great dish to eat while sick because it’s easily digestible and incredibly nourishing. The steam from the hot broth, which is packed with anti-inflammatory qualities, aids with congestion; the protein from the chicken helps the body heal; vitamins from the veggies restore health; and the carbohydrates in the noodles provide energy.I grew up eating chicken noodle soup from that famous red-and-white can, and I’d always found its neon yellow broth and tough, tasteless chicken unappetizing. The good news is, it’s not at all hard to make your own homemade chicken noodle soup. So go ahead, make a big stockpot-ful, and freeze a quart or two for the next time you or someone in your household is sick. I guarantee this version is much healthier and yummier than the canned variety.

Recipe: Chicken Noodle Soup

Notes: Freeze for future sick you.


  1. 3 tbsp unsalted butter
  2. 3 carrots, diced
  3. 3 stalks celery, diced
  4. 1 onion, diced
  5. 4 bone-in chicken leg quarters
  6. 1 tsp dried oregano or marjoram
  7. 1 tsp dried thyme
  8. 2 qts poultry stock or 2 tbsp chicken bouillon (optional)
  9. 10 ozs egg noodles


  1. Cook soup: In a stockpot over medium-high heat, melt butter and sauté carrots, celery, and onion until fragrant, stirring frequently. Add chicken, marjoram, thyme, salt & pepper to taste, and stock or enough water to cover; bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until chicken is cooked through, approx 30m, skimming scum occasionally. Remove chicken and shred. Stir in egg noodles and cook until al dente, approx 5 to 8m more.
  2. Return chicken to soup before serving.

Active time: 30m
Total time: 1h
Yields: 6 servings


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