Blind MasterChef Christine Ha tries snowboarding

We enjoyed Whistler so much that we returned for a second run in one season. When I went in December, I snowboarded for two days with the Whistler Blackcomb Adaptive Ski Program. This time, it was peak season, so I was only able to book one day of adaptive lessons.I was told I’d graduated from beginner to intermediate, so I was fitted for a “performance board,” meaning it was a little stiffer (but I couldn’t really tell).I can say after seven seasons of snowboarding, I’m finally enjoying the sport. Before, it was a lot of mental work to concentrate on learning the technique and form, but now, the motions are coming more naturally and effortlessly. I also attribute the enjoyment factor to Whistler’s much lower altitude than Breckenridge in Colorado, which is the only other mountain I’d boarded at previously. Breck is almost 10,000 feet above sea level, where as Whistler is just over 5,000. I never realized altitude made such a difference, but I didn’t feel as exhausted after a day of boarding at Whistler as I'd felt at Breck.I hope you enjoy the awesome blind snowboarding YouTube video the hubs put together above, and also feel inspired to get out there and live with no fear.


Christine Ha tries Canadian snacks


Taste my menu at the Dining in the Dark experience in Sacramento this Thursday, March 22, benefitting the California Council of the Blind